
Since my childhood, I have had an unwavering passion for cars and racing. I spent countless hours playing car simulators and thoroughly enjoyed driving. Yet, my busy life left little room to imagine m...

C+I Director

Following my stint as the CLAHS interim associate dean for research and graduate studies, a limited-term role replacing a colleague on a research leave, starting January 2019 I was given an opportunit...

Associate Dean

From July until December 2018 I was given an opportunity to serve as the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and Directo...


In part inspired by the success of the NASA’s LINC project, in summer 2018 my spouse and collaborator Anamaria and I identified a need for a similar framework that would allow for networking bet...

C+I Metrics

In a world of dwindling resources, climate change, and overpopulation, the human society has increasingly turned its attention towards accountability, performance, and impact monitoring. As a result, ...


Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, accounting for 1 in 3 deaths. New treatments for heart disease have plateaued over the last two decades, and new pharmaceutical ther...

NIME 2018

Building on the momentum established by the SEAMUS national conference that put Virginia Tech and ICAT on the national stage, in the late spring of 2015 I assembled a cross-institutional team and led ...

Forgetfulness VR

Building upon a virtual rendition of one of Denise Duhamel’s poems titled Forgetfulness using Unity3D gaming engine in 2017 I revisited this project as part of a new collaboration with Zach Duer...


Through the Orb project, that was in part designed to explore matching industry needs and expertise, I developed a business relationship with the Virginia Newport News’ Tech Center Research...


One of the ironies of a post-WWII society and the ensuing technological revolution is the dramatic discrepancy between the access to traditional music and to the newfound technology-mediated electroac...